Daycare Traveling Story Time
What have the kids been doing during the Traveling Story Time? This page will provide information about the book and activities that were brought, as well as related materials and activities for additional play, learning, and exploration.
During this month, Miss Rebecca shared Snowflakes on our tongues by Mike Ornstein. Everyone made a snowman craft.
Additional Library Resources
How Do You Know It's Winter by Lisa M. Herrington
Snow Truck by CJ Calder
The First Day of Winter by Denise Fleming
Snowflake Number Match
Snowman Color Match
Other Extension Opportunities
18 Snow Activities for Preschool
Sensory Play: How to Make Pretend Snow in 2 Easy Steps
Winter Process Art Activities for Preschool, Pre-k, and Kindergarten
How to Make a Snowstorm in a Jar Experiment
20 Festive DIY Infant Winter Activities And Craft Ideas For Toddlers And Preschoolers